The Healthy Living Study
Healthy Living Study (CTN-0101)
The Healthy Living Study is currently testing an intervention to reduce opioid use and overdose risk, and prevent progression to OUD, in adult primary care patients. This study is a collaborative care intervention consisting of: (1) A practice-embedded nurse care manager who provides patient education and supports the primary care provider in engaging and monitoring patients who have unhealthy opioid use; (2) Brief advice delivered to patients by their PCP and a pre-recorded ‘video doctor’; and (3) Telephone counseling by health coaches and mental health providers to motivate and support behavior change. This study consists of five primary care clinical sites from across the nation. Primary care providers will be randomized to receive either the Healthy Living intervention or treatment as usual. Patients are recruited by research staff based on unhealthy opioid use and if they are in the care of a participating PCP. Patients participate for 12 months. The study enrolls patients who have unhealthy opioid use.
Study Team
- PI: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH
- Node PI: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH
- Lead Coordinator: Kathryn Szczotka, MPH (kathryn.szczotka@hsc.utah.edu)