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Sponsorship was not accepted from any proprietary interests (e.g., drug companies).

Silver Sponsor

The Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) was created as Utah’s substance abuse and mental health authority by the State of Utah. They oversee the publicly funded prevention and treatment system. The goals of DSAMH are:

  • Focus on prevention and early intervention
  • Develop a recovery-oriented System of Care, led by people in recovery, that is trauma-informed and evidence-based
  • Strengthen the system of care for children and youth that is family-driven, youth guided, community based, to ensure that it is culturally/linguistically competent
  • Promote integrated programs that address an individual’s substance use disorder, mental health and physical healthcare needs
  • Zero suicides in Utah

Learn more about DSAMH here

Silver Sponsor

The Utah Department of Health's vision is for Utah to be a place where all people can enjoy the best health possible; where all can live and thrive in healthy and safe communities. The Department’s three strategic priorities are integrated throughout our daily work, and are designed to help us achieve our vision.

  1. Healthiest People
  2. Optimize Medicaid
  3. A Great Organization

Learn more about the Utah Department of Health here.

Bronze Sponsor

The mission of the Salt Lake County Health Department is to to promote and protect community and environmental health. They work to protect and improve the well-being of all county residents by preventing disease, illness, and injury and by impacting social, economic, and environmental factors fundamental to excellent health.

Learn more about the Salt Lake County Health Department here.