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Post-Hospitalization Mortality of Veterans with OUD

This project is examining the mortality of Veterans with an OUD diagnosis post-hospital discharge. Specifically, this will assess whether these Veterans experience higher mortality rates within the first 90 days post-discharge compared to the period between 91 and 365 days after discharge. Comparisons will also be made between Veterans actively receiving buprenorphine for medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder (B-MOUD) and those not receiving B-MOUD.

Gender and Race/Ethnicity and Buprenorphine as Medication for OUD

Disparities in access to efficacious medication for opioid use disorder exist for racial and ethnic minority veterans within the VHA. Female veterans are an identified vulnerable group, and proportionally more female veterans belong to racial and ethnic minority groups than their male counterparts. We sought to characterize changing trends in the receipt of buprenorphine care by racial and ethnic groups within the female only cohort of veterans with opioid use disorder to identify intersectional disparities.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Receipt Among Veterans with Tobacco Use Disorder and OUD

This focus is on examining nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in individuals diagnosed with opioid use disorder (OUD). This is including patient demographics, type of clinical setting they receive NRT, medication(s), dosing, longevity, comorbidities, and other substance use disorder diagnoses. Comparisons will also be made between Veterans actively receiving buprenorphine for medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder (B-MOUD) and those not receiving B-MOUD.

Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner Prescribing of Buprenorphine

This project is measuring Clinical Pharmacist Practitioners (CPPs) prescribing patterns of buprenorphine medication treatment for opioid use disorder (B-MOUD) within a large healthcare system. In December 2022, the US passed the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act, which removed the requirement for an X-waiver to prescribe B-MOUD. This then allowed CPPs to prescribe B-MOUD in states that allow CPP prescriptive authority of controlled substances. We aimed to characterize B-MOUD prescriptions and patients receiving B-MOUD from a CPP, examine whether CPPs initiated B-MOUD episodes of care, and analyze CPPs contribution to prescribing within a B-MOUD episodes of care.

Impact of Stimulant Use Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, and Heart Failure on MOUD Initiation and Retention

This project is looking at heart failure among patients with an OUD diagnosis. The evaluation will focus on patients with both opioid use disorder (OUD) and heart failure, assessing whether they are receiving B-MOUD, chronic heart failure treatment, and their mortality rates following hospital discharge. 


Contact us here:

Jacob Baylis, MPH - Project Coordinator  or 

Adam Gordon, MD, MPH - Principal Investigator or