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Safety of opioid use among Veterans receiving care in multiple health systems. VA: HSR&D. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO. 


The Influence of Formulary Management Strategies on Opioid Medication Use Among Patients and Prescribers. PA Effort. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Interdisciplinary training program for community treatment teams. UPMC Health Plan, Inc. Co-Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Substance use disorders in veterans with chronic liver disease. VA: VISN 4. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Provider Utilization of the VA Transgender e-consultation Program. VA: CHERP Pilot. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Do Tailored VA Primary Care Services Reduce Differences in Experiences with Care between Homeless and Non-Homeless Veterans. VA: National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Home Visiting Model for Opioid Addicted Mothers and Their Infants. University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. Co-Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Shepherd Opioid Overdose. Centers For Disease Control & Prevention. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Training Program. Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Co-Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Prescription opioid misuse: Pharmacist-delivered intervention at point of service. Staunton Farm Foundation. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


The Influence of Formulary Management Strategies on Opioid Medication Use. NIH: NIDA/CDC. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, Phd, MSW. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Predictive Model-Based Targeted Risk Mitigation for Patients Receiving VA Opioid Prescriptions who are at High Risk of Adverse Events. VA: HSR&D. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO. 


Buprenorphine prescriber characteristics in Pennsylvania Medicaid Principal Investigator. University of Pittsburgh Health Policy Institute, Medicaid Research Center. Co-Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Medication-Assisted Treatment for Substance Use Disorders in Medicaid Principal Investigator(s). University of Pittsburgh Health Policy Institute, Medicaid Research Center. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Opioid Painkiller Pilot Investigation (OPPI) Project. University of Pittsburgh Central Research Development Fund. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


The Influence of Formulary Management Strategies on Opioid Medication Use Principal Investigator(s). National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Addiction Triage for Homeless - Enhancing VA Medical Homes: VA Pittsburgh’s ANTHEM Program. VA: VACO. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


The Interplay of Homelessness and Alcohol Use on HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Veterans. VA: VISN 4. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


From Education to Practice: Addressing Opioid Misuse through Healthcare Provider Training. American Association of Addiction Psychiatry. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Improving Detection and Management of Alcohol Misuse in VA Inpatients. VA: HSR&D. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Unfunded. 2014.

VA Homeless Patient-Aligned Care Teams-A National Implementation Evaluation. VA: QUERI. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


From Education to Implementation: Addressing the Opioid Misuse Epidemic. American Association of Addiction Psychiatry. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Homeless Veterans’ Opinions of Integrated Care Environments: A Photo-Narrative Study. VA: MIRECC. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Examining the Role of Primary Care Experiences in Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Use of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. VA: CHERP. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Pilot Health Outcomes and Healthcare Use Among Transgender Veterans. VA: CHERP. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Opioid Agonist Treatment Expansion to Medicaid: The Role of Buprenorphine. NIH: NIDA. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Connect to Quit: Coordinated Care for Smoking Cessation Among Low Income Veterans. NIH: NCI. Site Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC), VISN 4 Homeless Initiative. VA: MIRECC, VISN 4. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Expanding Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: The Role of Pharmacotherapies. American Association of Addiction Psychiatry. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


A Pharmacy-Based Brief Intervention for the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Opioids: An Adaptation. Staunton Farm Foundation. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Northwest Pennsylvania Adolescent Alcohol Research Cooperative (Phase II). NIH: NIAAA. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Associations Between Community Climate Toward LGBT Veterans and Transgender Medical and Psychiatric Conditions. VA: CHERP. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Racial Differences in Primary Care Experiences and Involvement in Treatment Decision-making Among Veterans with an Alcohol or Drug Use Disorder. VA: QUERI. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Trial of Nurse-delivered Alcohol Brief Intervention for Hospitalized Veterans. VA: HSR&D. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Pharmacogenetic Response to Naltrexone for Alcohol Dependence. NIH: NIAAA. Site-Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Allegheny Open New Treatment Referrals, Care, and Knowledge (ONTRACK) Initiative. DHHS. Co-Investigator, Lead Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Evaluating Inpatient Alcohol/Tobacco Performance Measure Implementation. VA: VA Office of Nursing Services. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Opioid Use, Opioid Use Disorders, and Buprenorphine Use in Pennsylvania Medicaid. Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Co-Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Development of a Computerized Clinical Decision Support System for Alcohol Brief Intervention Delivery in PACT. VA: VACO. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Assessment of the Assessment: Evaluating the Nature and Types of Effects on Non-Intervention Arms of Brief Intervention Trials. VA: SUD-QUERI. Co-Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Practical Content for Alcohol Intervention Discussions in Primary Care. VA: SUD-QUERI. Principal Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Development of Measures to Evaluate an Alcohol Liaison Nurse Role in Primary Care. VA: QUERI. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


MIRECC-2011 Concomitant Alcohol and Psychotropic Medication Use in Older Veteran Adults (CAMOVA). VA: MIRECC, VISN 4. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Latent Classes and Transitions for SBI in Trauma Settings: Clinical and Policy Implications. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


CHERP-2010 Concurrent Alcohol-Medication Use and Health Outcomes Among Older Veterans. VA: CHERP. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Latent predictors of change from screening and brief intervention. Direct Texas Research Society on Alcoholism. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


Determinants of Diabetes Control in Veterans with Serious Mental Illness. VA: HSR&D. Site-Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Assessing Readiness for Nurse Implementation of Alcohol Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). VA: MIRECC, VISN 4. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Barriers and Supports for Alcohol Use Disorders Pharmacotherapy. VA: QUERI. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Implementing a Nurse Training Program for Alcohol Screening and Intervention in Inpatient Medical Settings. VA: QUERI. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Patient Acceptability of Nurse-delivered Alcohol Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral in the Inpatient General Medical Setting. American Nurses Foundation. Co-Investigator, Mentor: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Pennsylvania Medical Residency Training Program (MR-SBIRT). DHHS. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Primary Care Quality and Service Customization for the Homeless. VA: HSR&D. Site-Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Pittsburgh Primary Care Buprenorphine Initiative (PPCBI). VA: Central Office. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Alcohol-Associated Outcomes Among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Aging Veterans. NIH: NIAAA. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Northwest Pennsylvania Adolescent Alcohol Research Cooperative (Phase I). NIH: NIAAA. Co-Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing Buprenorphine Therapy for Treatment of Opioid Dependence. VA: QUERI. Co-Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


DHHS 93-243 Partnership for Intervention and Empowerment (PIE). DHHS. Co-Investigator, Lead Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


The Home International Normalized Ratio (INR) Study (THINRS). VA: COOP. Site Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


ACMS 2005 Smoking Cessation Among the Homeless. Allegheny County Medical Society Foundation. Co-Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Patient and Societal Utilities for Alcohol Problems. NIH: NIAAA. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Alcohol Use and HIV: Developing Computerized Interventions. NIH: NIAAA. Site Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


An investigation of child headed households in Mozambique Africa Mentored Learning Research Grant. Mentored Learning Research Grant. Principal Investigator: Gerald Cochran, PhD, MSW.


MIRECC 2003 Processes of Care for Alcohol Rehabilitation (POCAR). VA: MIRECC, VISN 4. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Processes of Care for Alcohol Detoxification. VA: HSR&D. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


AIM HIGH: Collaboration to Link Health Care for the Homeless Programs and Community Mental Health Agencies. DHHS. Co-Investigator, Lead Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Program for Health Care to Underserved Populations. Pennsylvania Department of Health. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Alcohol-Associated Outcomes Among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Veterans. NIH: NIAAA. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Comparisons of Outcomes of Veteran and Community Housing Programs for Vulnerable Homeless Populations. VA: MIRECC, VISN 4. Principal Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.


Acute Care Redirect Program/ Work Stabilization Program. Pittsburgh Birmingham Foundation. Co-Investigator: Adam Gordon, MD, MPH, FACP, DFASAM, CMRO.