Highlights of the Month
- Dr. John Valentine was honored at this year's Take Steps Crohn's and Colitis Foundation Fundraiser for all the amazing work he has done and continues to do for this amazing organization.
- Dr. John Fang was named Chair of the 2024-2025 Ambulatory Endoscopy Center Special Interest Group for the ASGE.
- Dr. Daryl Ramai was appointed an editorial fellowship for the Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Journal.
- The National Center for Patient Safety has awarded Dr. Andrew Gawron and his group funding for a Patient Safety Center of Inquiry focused on improving polypectomy and management of benign polyps. Dr. Gawron was named Co-Investigator of this project. Only 2 centers were selected, and $1.5 million will be invested over the course of the next 3 years. Congratulations, Dr. Gawron!
- Dr. Benjamin Gow-Lee, one of our incoming Fellows, had an opportunity to travel to Rwanda. If interested in going, check out his presentation found here for more information!
Our amazing Faculty at this year's Digestive Disease Week!

Full Support at this year's TAKE STEPS Crohn's and Colitis Foundation Fundraiser