Guest Faculty
Nancy M. Albert PhD, CCNS, CHFN, CCRN, NE-BC, FAHA, FCCM, FHFSA, FAAN - Cleveland Clinic, Associate Chief Nursing Officer, Research and Innovation and Clinical Nurse Specialist, Heart Failure
Troy Christian Andersen, PhD, MSW, MS - University of Utah College of Social Work & School of Medicine; Executive Director, W. D. Goodwill Initiatives on Aging; Associate Professor–Lecturer; Clinical Social Worker, Cognitive Disorders Clinic, Center for Alzheimer's Care, Imaging and Research
James A. Blumenthal, PhD - Duke University Medical Center/ JP Gibbons Professor of Psychiatry
Rebecca Boxer, MD, MS - University of Colorado, Associate Professor of Medicine
Marianne Christensen, BS, CHES - Salt Lake County Aging and Adult Services/ Health Promotion Manager
Skotti DeAnne Church, MD - Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Program Director, Geriatric Medicine Fellowship, University of Colorado Denver
Anthony J. Donato, PhD, MS - Associate Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the Translational Vascular Physiology Laboratory at the University of Utah; VA SLC GRECC Researcher
Lillian Khor, MBBCh, M.SC - Medical Director of Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, University of Utah
Brad Lundahl PhD, LCSW - University of Utah College of Social Work, Associate Professor
Dan Matlock, MD, MPH - University of Colorado, Assistant Professor of Medicine
Robert Lee Page, II, PharmD, MSPH, FCCP, FASHP, FASCP, FAHA, BCPS, CGP - Professor, University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Natalie Sanders, DO - Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatrics; Medical Director, Faint Fall & Frailty Clinic; University of Utah School of Medicine
Mark A. Supiano, MD - D. Keith Barnes, MD, and Dottie Barnes Presidential Endowed Chair in Medicine, Professor and Chief, Division of Geriatrics, University of Utah School of Medicine; Director, VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC); Executive Director, University of Utah Center on Aging
Joleen Sussman, PhD, ABPP - Geropsychologist, Eastern Colorado Health Care Veteran Affairs, Denver
Shaida Talebreza-Brandon, MD, AGSF, FAAHPM, HMDC - University of Utah Associate Professor, Division of Geriatrics
Alessa Wade MS, RD, CD - University of Utah Hospital, Clinical Dietitian
Jose Nativi-Nicolau, MD - Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiology, University of Utah School of Medicine
Walter Wray, Ph.D., M.Sc. - University of Utah/Associate Professor of Internal Medicine; VAMC/VA Investigator
Planning Committee
Troy Christian Andersen, PhD., MSW, MS - University of Utah College of Social Work & School of Medicine; Executive Director, W. D. Goodwill Initiatives on Aging; Associate Professor–Lecturer; Clinical Social Worker, Cognitive Disorders Clinic; Center for Alzheimer's Care, Imaging and Research
Erin L. Anderson, RN - Clinical Research RN, Geriatric Medicine Research, UC Denver
Jorie M Butler, PhD - Associate Director for Education and Evaluation, VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC); Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Research Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatrics, School of Medicine, University of Utah
Skotti DeAnne Church, MD - Assistant Professor, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Program Director, Geriatric Medicine Fellowship, University of Colorado Denver
Timothy W. Farrell, MD, AGSF - University of Utah School of Medicine/Associate Professor of Medicine; Adjunct Associate Professor of Family Medicine; Physician Investigator, VA SLC GRECC; Director of University of Utah Health Sciences Interprofessional Education
Lillian L. Khor, M.B.B.Ch., M.Sc - Medical Director of Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation
Kathryn (Kady) Nearing, PhD - Lead evaluator for the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) and the Veterans Administration’s Eastern Colorado Health Care System Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (ECHCS GRECC).
Robert Lee Page, II, PharmD, MSPH, FCCP, FASHP, FASCP, FAHA, BCPS, CGP - Professor, University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Mark A. Supiano, MD - D. Keith Barnes, M.D., and Dottie Barnes Presidential Endowed Chair in Medicine, Professor and Chief, Division of Geriatrics, University of Utah School of Medicine; Director, VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC); Executive Director, University of Utah Center on Aging
Joleen Sussman, PhD, ABPP - Geropsychologist, Eastern Colorado Health Care Veteran Affairs, Denver
Walter Wray, Ph.D., M.Sc. - University of Utah/Associate Professor of Internal Medicine; VAMC/VA Investigator