Health Impact of Reduced Activity Study
Volunteers Needed!
We are currently recruiting for several studies examining the health impact of physical inactivity and interventions that are aimed at preserving health during physical inactivity. These studies are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Veteran Affairs (VA) Medical Center.
Qualified participants may receive compensation up to $1,260.
Who is eligible?
Adults who are healthy and
- 18-30 years old
- 60 years and older
For more information…
If you are interested, please contact
Ella Dixon: (801) 582-1565 x 1495
Lisette Serna: (801) 582-1565 x 1918
Email: UVRL@utah.edu
Thank you for your interest in our research! A member of our research team will contact you with more information.
The information posted on this site is consistent with the research reviewed and approved by the University of Utah Institutional Review Board (IRB). However, the IRB has not reviewed all material posted on this site. Contact the IRB if you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant. Also contact the IRB if you have questions, complaint, or concerns which you do not feel you can discuss with the investigator. The University of Utah IRB may be reached by phone at (801) 581‐3655 or by e‐mail at irb@hsc.utah.edu