Residency Program Education
Residency Program Education

Inpatient Education Opportunities
This hybrid conference takes place weekly on Thursdays at noon, featuring a live presentation in the GS150 Chokecherry Conference Room in the HELIX building. A broad range of topics with major clinical relevance are selected each year by the department chairman with the frequent inclusion of outside speakers with national and international prominence. View our Grand Rounds.
Conference is held Monday through Friday at 12:15 pm at all three sites. Attendance is mandatory for all residents on ward rotations and strongly encouraged for residents on subspecialty rotations. A rapid CMR journal article review takes place on the second Friday of every month.
Morbidity/Mortality Conferences (M&M) occur regularly at all three hospitals. These are led by designated core faculty with expertise in Quality Improvement. M&M conferences are both interactive and collegial, and lead to meaningful discussions regarding how quality and safety can be improved across multiple domains of patient care.
Case conferences (often referred to as Morning report) is typically held twice weekly. The Chief Medical Resident leads the group through a single case selected from recent ward or ICU admissions. Resident participation and discussion play an integral role in meeting the educational goals of the conference as the case is being presented. At the case conclusion, the Chief Medical Resident provides additional concise teaching to reinforce the primary learning points. Some conferences also feature an expert faculty member who helps lead the discussion and teaching.
For our remaining conferences, invited lecturers speak on a variety of core internal medicine and subspecialty topics twice weekly. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds is held once weekly.
To watch some of our Lunch Core Conferences click below:
Mock code simulations are held once monthly at IMC and the U.
Outpatient Education Opportunities
Wednesday Workshops offer dedicated and protected educational time for senior residents during outpatient rotations twice a month. They are aimed at a breadth of topics including women's health, wilderness medicine, physician advocacy, and beyond. Teaching concepts are reinforced with pertinent journal articles and short, high-yield topics presented by senior residents.
Every Thursday afternoon during the +1 ambulatory week, all categorical interns are excused from clinical duties to focus on learning the foundations of medicine. Each week, our interns are assigned an online PEAC module to complete on a relevant ambulatory topic prior to teaching sessions. From 1:00-1:45pm on Thursday, interns will have a didactic session led by faculty to review the topic from their assigned PEAC module. Then, from 2:00-5:00pm, we hold intern seminars that are designed to prepare you for residency and beyond, highlighting patient safety, practicing hands-on procedures, learning about safe opioid prescribing, evidence-based medicine, research as a resident, and physician wellness.
Outpatient journal club is held weekly for residents on ambulatory care rotations. These sessions, typically held over coffee, are resident-led and facilitated by one of the Chief Medical Residents. Journal club articles are selected by the chief residents to emphasize important concepts in evidence-based medicine and tend to be landmark or recent clinical trials that are relevant for general internists.
Residents will have the opportunity to participate in medical student teaching through SIM sessions and Clerkship Case Conferences in addition to standard teaching performed on inpatient wards.
Education Outside of Residency
Primary Care Anywhere is resident-led podcast that has been designed to bring you up to speed on core outpatient internal medicine topics in 30 minutes or less and is brought to you by the interns and residents of our Internal Medicine Residency Program. Click here to listen to the latest episode of Primary Care Everywhere.
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Several of our residents are also active contributors to some of the most popular Med Ed podcasts. Check out their episodes below!
- The Curbsiders Podcast-#208 Hypothyroidism Master Class with Susan Mandel MD, MPH
- The Curbsiders Podcast-#172 Cost-of-Care Conversation are Crucial
- The Curbsiders Podcast-#199 NephMadness: Hyperkalemia, Diet, K+ Binders, Exercise
- The Clinical Problem Solvers-Episode 94: Human Dx unknown with Arsalan & Utah residents–ankle and hand pain with swelling
- The Curbsiders Podcast-#175 Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV
- The Curbsiders Podcast-#147 Rheumatoid Arthritis for the Internist
- Core IM Podcast-5 Pearls on Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
- The Curbsiders Podcast #334 IBS, Functional Dyspepsia and, Cyclic Vomiting: Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction (DGBI)
- The Curbsiders Podcast #314 When the Flow Won’t Go: Constipation Evaluation & Management with Dr. Iris Wang
- The Curbsiders Podcast #293 The Best of Liver Tests with Elliot Tapper
- The Curbsiders Podcast #283 CRC Screening: USPSTF Update with Dr. Michael Barry
- The Curbsiders Podcast #266 Diarrhea Disemboweled Part 1: Acute Diarrhea with Dr. Iris Wang
- The Curbsiders Podcast #227 Baffled by NAFLD