Seminar Colorectal cancer: family risk, screening & precision prevention Seminar Death by friendly fire: surprising insights into how CD4 T cells die following HIV infection Seminar Modulating CFTR, making cystic fibrosis a new disease Seminar "Omics" directed prostate cancer care a reality or a bridge too far? Seminar Genome editing: the CRISPR revolution Seminar Aquaporin water channels from atomic structure to malaria Seminar Spondyloarthropathies for the internist Seminar Novel therapeutic approaches to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Seminar Bicarbonate in health & chronic kidney disease Seminar Evidence-based management of upper gastrointestinal bleeding Seminar Home-based medical care: A critical strategy for population health management Seminar Entering the era of cellular immunotherapy for cancer Seminar Sarcoidosis from Hutchinson to Russell Seminar New insights into therapeutic targets in multiple myeloma Seminar SGLT-2 Inhibitors: How triggering glycosuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus protects the kidney & heart Seminar Can intersectional innovations help prevent infection Seminar Intensive care for human beings Seminar Phosphoinositide 3-kinasa & cancer metabolism Seminar What's new with clostridium difficile Seminar Heart failure reversal through mechanical assist: What have we learned Seminar Cost-effectiveness of hypertension diagnosis & treatment Seminar Transitions of care: past, present & future Seminar Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 2016: How are we doing? Seminar Controversies in colonoscopy quality & colorectal cancer screening Seminar Clinical pathology conference Seminar Surviving sepsis at University hospital: A quality improvement project Seminar Opioids & central apnea: Should we be worried? Seminar Hyponatremia: new insights into an old problem Seminar Therapeutic utility of circulating tumor DNA for the management of advanced stage lung cancer Seminar Genomic approaches to disorders of hemostasis Seminar Telemedicine: innovations to advance care Seminar Debunking myths & misperceptions of hypertension Seminar Falls in elderly people Seminar Hypercalcemia & malignancy: What's old & what's new Seminar Perspectives on the 2013 ACC/AHA CVD prevention guidelines Seminar Genomics through the lens of practical clinical wisdom Seminar The Deceptive Appeal of Personal Genomics Seminar Improving antibiotic use in Utah: National landscape & the community hospital Seminar Systolic blood pressure intervention trial (SPRINT) results & clinical implications Seminar The long & winding road: An overview of the research & tenure of John Hoidal Seminar Rhabdomyolysis & other heme protein-induced AKI Seminar 7 assumptions that drive too much medical care Seminar Update in Axial spondyloarthritis Seminar Do we know what causes IBD? Seminar History repeats itself - even in medicine Seminar Diabetes & its complications in the pima indians Seminar There is no "I" in team, but there is a social work & a...working & learning in an interprofessional team Seminar Comprehensive imaging in coronary artery disease Internal Medicine Grand Rounds Video Archive 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012