Seminar E-cigarette or vaping product use -associated lung injury - Utah 2019 Seminar Barrett's ablation: proof of concept to proof / Eosinophilic esophagitis: clinical to translational & back Seminar First-line therapy for metastatic renal cell cancer: King of the hill Seminar Critical care echocardiography & ultrasound for bedside diagnosis & management Seminar Driving innovation, implementation & sustainability in a learning health system Seminar FGF23 at the intersection of chronic kidney & cardiovascular diseases Seminar Biosimilars: something new or deja vu? Seminar Genetics & therapy of clonal hematopoiesis & myeloid malignancies Seminar ACP clinical vignette competition Seminar ATS/IDSA 2019 Diagnosis & treatment of adults with community-acquired pneumonia Seminar AQ&U: community-engaged network for understanding geospatial differences in pollution Seminar It's all about the mission Seminar Maxwell M. Wintrobe Endowed Lecture: The fate of academic health centers in a chaotic 21st century Seminar What becomes of unbefriended patients? clinical, policy, and systems approaches Seminar Updates in the management of advanced prostate cancer & personalizing therapy Seminar Using proteinuria & GFR decline for clinical prognosis & accelerating clinical trials of kidney disease Seminar Bones & joints: The endocannabinoid system in health & disease Seminar Bringing value(s) to medical education Seminar Clinical pathology conference Seminar Lessons from the far side of the nephron Seminar When good science is not enough: how patient fears, provider inertia, & company profits threaten disease prevention Seminar Learning through the lens: improving mortality through measurement Seminar The power & limitations of culture independent diagnostic tests for infectious diseases Seminar Paving the path to #EndCholera Seminar Improving ARDS outcomes: High tech babysitting or beyond? Seminar Tattoo you: Journeying through the ACP hustle Seminar Patient priorities care: moving from disease-based to patient priorities-aligned decision making Seminar Epidemiology & mechanism of ApoL1 nephrophthy in Africa Seminar Aequanimitas: George's story Seminar Management of upper GI bleeding Seminar Cowan Lecture: Responding to requests for futile or potentially inappropriate treatments Seminar Improving surrogate decision-making for patients with advanced illness Seminar Testosterone across the male lifespan: controversies & novel clinical applications Seminar Patient-reported outcomes in clinical care - are we ready? Seminar A new understanding of lung cancer Seminar The microbiome in clinical medicine: hope or hype? Seminar The future of performance measurement in medicine Seminar Bleeding ponies, bloated cattle, & breathless mountaineers: Hearts & lungs under duress w/ exercise & high altitude Seminar The return of individual research results: Ethical, legal & regulatory challenges in achieving transparency Seminar Systemic scleroiss: improving outcomes & emerging therapies Internal Medicine Grand Rounds Video Archive 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012