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- Almedia N, Ikizler A, Zhang Y, Filipowicz R, Morrell G, Wei G, Abraham J, Habib A, Bjordahl T, Greene T, Cheung AK, Beddhu S. Body Composition Affects SErum Creatinine but Not Serum Cystatin C Levels. American Society of Nephrology October 30-November 4, 2012 San Diego, CA
- Almeida N, Ikizler A, Zhang Y, Filipowicz R, Sundell M, Morrell G, Wei G, Abraham J, Habib A, Bjordahl T, Greene T, Cheung AK, Beddhu S. Body Composition Is Associated with Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients. American Society of Nephrology Oct 30-November 4, 2012 San Diego, CA
- Abraham J, Ikizler A, Filipowicz R, sundell M, Wei G, Zhang Y, Raphael K, Beddhu S. Serum Uric Acid Is Associated with Abdominal Adiposity, Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance in Hemodialysis Patients. American Society of Nephrology October 30-November 4, 2012 San Diego, CA
- M Sika,J Dwyer, K Umanath, S Fadem, P Van Buren, J Abraham for the Collaborative Study Group. Impact of ferric citrate an oral phosphate binder on bone and mineral markers in dialysis patients American Society of Nephrology November 7 -November 10, 2013 Atlanta, Georgia