Research Curriculum
Research Curriculum
Fellows pursuing research fellowship may choose to complete their 1 year of clinical fellowship either at the beginning or end of their fellowship. Research fellows identify a mentor within the first month of their fellowship and conduct research at the University Hospital or at the VA hospital depending upon the location of the mentor. During their research years, research fellows will maintain a ½ day general nephrology continuity clinic throughout their entire fellowship.
Fellows engaged in clinical research have the option to enroll in the Masters of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI) at the University of Utah. The MSCI is a two-year post-graduate experience that emphasizes epidemiology, clinical outcomes, clinical trials and health services research. The MSCI is funded by a Clinical and Translational Scientist Award (CTSA) of the NIH with additional funding provided by the Vice President for Health Sciences. The program is composed of formal didactic coursework, a longitudinal seminar series, and a mentored clinical research project. Fellows who successfully complete the program are eligible for a Master’s Degree awarded by the School of Medicine.
Fellows engaged in basic science research are encouraged to enroll in courses offered by the University of Utah Graduate School based on their area of research focus. Coursework include Research Rigor and Reproducibility, Data interpretation, Statistical analyses and Grant writing as well as specific courses on genetic engineering, gene expression and advanced techniques in microscopy and digital imaging
Clinical fellows in the 2 year program are encouraged to perform research based on their interests and required to complete a quality improvement project during their outpatient rotations. All second year fellows attend and participate in the annual American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week meeting. Fellows are also encouraged to present and attend the annual National Kidney Foundation meeting.