Vision Statement on Gender & Community — University of Utah Department of Internal Medicine
Promoting a broad range of perspectives is essential to fostering creativity, innovation, and productivity. The Gender & Community Committee envisions a Department of Internal Medicine that achieves the highest level of academic excellence by recognizing the value of varied perspectives and taking steps to address harmful differences and support opportunities for faculty of all genders in the pursuit of excellence.
Vision Statement:
In alignment with the Association of American Medical Colleges, we seek to address structural contributors to the imbalance of gender in the academic medicine workforce. We seek to improve access to opportunity for all faculty and cultivate a culture that addresses harmful stereotypes holding individuals back from reaching their potential. And, importantly, seek to value work equally.
- The DOIM is committed to cultivating leadership, including Division Chiefs and Vice Chairs, that has a wide range of perspectives on issues that impact all genders, to better reflect the varied experiences and needs within the department.
Address Biased Evaluations
- The DOIM is committed to implementing transparent evaluation processes that recognize faculty, APCs and staff for their expertise and contributions, reducing the potential for bias and ensuring fair recognition regardless of gender.
Value Work Equally across All Genders
- To value work fairly of all genders, the DOIM is committed to transparency in job roles, responsibilities and compensation including the following:
- Regularly monitor and transparently report on base salary (including FTE or other work-based metrics) and incentives to ensure equitable access to compensation opportunities for all faculty, APCs and staff.
- At the time of hire, promote equal access to base salary, physical space and hiring rank opportunities, fostering a fair and supportive environment for all new faculty.
- Promote equal access to advancement, across all ranks, regardless of gender.
- Facilitate equal access to pilot funds, protected research time, and research-oriented awards and resources, ensuring that all genders have the support needed to advance their research careers.
- Develop and implement productivity measures that fairly recognize and value contributions to the educational and service missions, such as teaching, mentoring, and administrative service.
Fostering healthy cultural norms
- Recognize that caregiving can impact faculty, APCs or staff at all career stages, and provide transparent processes to access support
- Provide faculty, APCs and staff with transparent and consistent parental leave policies across all Divisions of DOIM
- The DOIM remains committed to equal parental leave for all faculty, regardless of gender-identity or dual parent University employment status, while eliminating specification of primary child caregiving role
- Supporting newborn and infant childcare by reducing expected clinical productivity without penalty (e.g. expected RVUs and outpatient patient slots) for a defined period of time.