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A Leader in Health IT, Dr. John Nebeker Receives Two Awards

A Leader in Health IT, John Nebeker Receives Two Awards

Congratulations to Jonathan R. Nebeker, MS, MD (Division of Geriatrics). He is the recipient of not one, but two awards in excellence in health information technology.

Dr. Nebeker is the medical director for the VA’s program to modernize its electronic health record system and in 2015 was appointed as the Deputy National Chief Medical Informatics Office to the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs. He is at the forefront of driving change in health IT.

Last June, the Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance selected Dr. Nebeker for the 2017 Government Leadership Award, in acknowledgement of his outstanding leadership and pivotal support for the open source community.

Last December, the Federal Health IT magazine bestowed Dr. Nebeker with the FedHealthIT100 Award, in recognition of his leadership in health information technology and for supporting new models of care using innovative technology.

Nebeker obtained his degrees and training at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania. He is a geriatrician, epidemiologist, and a tenured professor of medicine at the University of Utah.