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Match Day 2020

Match Day 2020

It’s an exciting day for the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Utah. In the midst of preparation for COVID-19 patients, today is Match Day. Let’s take a moment to celebrate our own Utah student Internal Medicine matches and our incoming 2020-21 student matches.

University of Utah School of Medicine (UUSOM) Matches

We are sending 13 Internal Medicine (2 MD/PhDs) and 3 medicine-pediatrics (M/P) students out into the world. Many faculty members have worked, mentored, and rooted for these students along the way. The department is proud of our Utah students’ strong matches, and offers thanks to all that had a hand in mentoring and advocating – especially Drs. Katie Lappe and Sonja Raaum (Assistant Professors, General Internal Medicine).

Below are our UUSOM students and their categorial matches: 

Damien Clark Tulane
Jed Doane University of Washington
Andrew Fuller Utah Southwestern Medical Center
Leo Gokovski University of Nevada - Reno
Jessica Hansen University of California - San Diego
Necia Hunter Yale New Haven
Nate Krah University of California - San Francisco
Anthony Paluso Providence Health - Oregon
Katherine Peacock Tulane
Andrew Scheinok Scripps Green Hospital
Neda Shefa California Pacific Medical Center
Jared Wallace Stanford
Cheryl Watson University of Utah


Alyssa Engle West Virgina University
Snehal Gajiwala University of Nebraska
Stephanie Lawanto Baystate Medical Center
Carson Morley University of Arizona - Phoenix

Internal Medicine Residency Match

Our matched applicant and their medical schools can be found here.

By the numbers, our categorials (n=32): 13 have Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) status or top of class designation. The USMLE Step 1 average is 242 (national average - 230), and USMLE Step 2 average is 253 (national average - 243). 11 matches are women, 2 of which are MD/PhDs. 

"In one word: Hooray!" says Caroline Milne, Vice Chair for Education and Director of the Internal Medicine Training Program. "I am so proud to lead this program and feel a great responsibility to deliver to these accomplished matches what I told them we would deliver – the best medical education we possibly can, exceptional clinical experiences, strong mentorship and scholarship opportunities and appreciation for what they do. And all of that taking place in this great state of Utah that we all call home. I thank you in advance for future efforts to support our future leaders in medicine." 

Dr. Milne thanks all who dedicated time and energy to the 470 interviews conducted during recruitment season, but especially to the Education Office staff (Amy Kern, Emilee Cluff, Karen James and Megan McClure) and the chief residents, both current and incoming.   

This is a good day for the Department of Internal Medicine and the University of Utah. If you have a moment, reach out and congratulate these incredible students.