Electronic health records often lack vital information that could help physicians better understand a patient’s needs, according to University of Utah Health researchers. Improvements in these systems that could lead...
In a recent Greater Intermountain Node "Chalk Talk" we spoke with PARCKA's most recent addition, postdoc Elizabeth (Betsy) Charron. Learn more about her experience, her postdoc goals, and more!
Several members of the PARCKA Team recently published, "Aims, Development, and Early Results of an Interdisciplinary Primary Care Initiative to Address Patient Vulnerabilities" to The American Journal of Drug and...
PARCKA and GIN are pleased to announce that the Emergency Department-INitiated BupreNOrphine VAlidaTIOn Network Trial (CTN 0099) has been endorsed to begin enrollment.
Although many people automatically assume that if one person in their home contracts COVID-19 everyone in their household will contract it as well, a study conducted by the University of...
One staff member from the Department of Internal Medicine will be highlighted monthly as part of our "From the Desk Of" staff recognition initiative. This month's featured staff member is...
Once one person becomes infected, there is a 12% likelihood that someone they are living with will become infected, too, according to University of Utah’s Utah HERO phase one study.
In a study led by the University of Utah Health researcher Dr. Megan Vanneman, PhD, MPH, data from surveys completed in 2016 and 2017 by more than one million VA-enrolled...
When New York was experiencing the worst of its COVID-19 surge earlier this year, Drs. Scott Aberegg (Associate Professor, Pulmonary), Tony Edwards (Fellow, Pulmonary), and Edwards’ wife, Ashley, an ICU...
The University of Utah will go online for 2 weeks from September 28 to October 9 in an effort to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases on campus and to...
In this month's Greater Intermountain Node "Chalk Talk" we speak with Jasmin E. Charles, PA-C MPAS about her experience in women's health, what she is most looking forward to about...
PARCKA and GIN are pleased to announce that the Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Expectant Mothers (MOMs) Study has been endorsed to begin enrollment.
Dr. Matthew Samore, MD, Chief of the Division of Epidemiology for the U of U Health, has received the 2019 Under Secretary's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research...
PARCKA Research Analyst Ary Bryan and Director of Research Dr. Jerry Cochran recently published the chapter “The Opioid Crisis” in the Encyclopedia of Social Work.
The Utah Hospital Association, in collaboration with Utah's four largest healthcare systems, are joining together in a collaborative effort to encourage the use of face masks in public. Dr. Michael...
This month’s PARCKA PARLEYS was held Tuesday, June 16, 2020 and was facilitated by Kris Williams, DNP APRN FNP-C & Kirsty Baron, PhD RN from Weber State University Annie Taylor...
In this month's Greater Intermountain Node (GIN) newsletter, we introduce 'Chalk Talk' where we speak with investigators, clinicians, researchers, and coordinators from our various studies. This month we speak with...
While surrounding states see spike in virus, Colorado’s methodical approach is working. According to Dr. Lindsay Keegan (Research Assistant Professor, Epidemiology) an early and alarming surge of cases in mountain...
Despite improvements in their performance over the past decade, electronic health records (EHRs) commonly used in hospitals nationwide fail to detect up to one in three potentially harmful drug interactions...
Dr. Lindsay Keegan (Research Assistant Professor, Epidemiology) recently sat down with the Salt Lake Tribune's Robert Gehrke to discuss the frequently referenced public models for coronavirus peaks and how they...
Doctors who use drugs that target antibiotic-resistant bacteria as a first-line defense against pneumonia should probably reconsider this approach, according to a new study of more than 88,000 veterans hospitalized...