Recognition of exceptional services including scientific achievements, training, and scholarly accomplishments performed by faculty at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah (U of U).
Fighting cancer is scary on its own! Let alone having to deal with a pandemic on top of it all. But, that is exactly what former Astros stars, Adam Whitt...
The Huntsman Cancer Institute Multiple Myeloma Program and other myeloma research communities continue to press forward in search of a cure and new treatments to improve survival for people with...
The Multiple Myeloma Program at the Huntsman Cancer Institute is a growing and dynamic group that includes five physicians, a talented team of APCs, and over 25 support staff. We...
Yesterday the American Society of Hematology announced the 36 recipients for it's 2021 scholarships. The Department of Internal Medicine congratulates Dr. Ami Patel, MD, for being one of those recipients.
A new collaborative clinic created by Dr. Ming Lim, MD, and Dr. Ware Branch, MD addresses the needs of women with bleeding and clotting disorders who are pregnant or who...